Problema risolto Come cambio i crediti iniziali del mio retroserver?

Dovrebbe essere questo
$pagename = $name;
$pageid = 1;
if(isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['id'])){
$prendi_get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$_GET['id']."' LIMIT 1");
if(mysql_num_rows($prendi_get) == 0){ header("location: home?user=".$name.""); }else{
$ut = mysql_fetch_assoc($prendi_get);
header("location: home?user=".$ut['username'].""); }
if(empty($_GET['user'])){ header("location: home?user=".$name.""); }
$prendimi = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$_GET['user']."' LIMIT 1");
if(mysql_num_rows($prendimi) == 0 && session_is_registered(username)){ header("location: home?user=".$name.""); }
$utente = mysql_fetch_assoc($prendimi);
if(isset($_GET['delete_notification'])){ mysql_query("DELETE FROM cms_alert WHERE id = '".$_GET['delete_notification']."' AND userid = '".$my_id."' "); header("location:home"); }
$notifiche = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_alert WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' OR to_all = '1' ORDER BY id DESC ");
$richieste = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messenger_requests WHERE to_id = '".$my_id."' ");
$pagename = $utente['username'];
if(strlen($_POST['messaggio']) < 10){ $error = "Messaggio troppo corto! (almeno 10 caratteri)<br>"; }
if(empty($_POST['messaggio'])){ $error = "Scrivi un messaggio!<br>"; }
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `cms_alert` (`userid`, `desc`) VALUES ('".$utente['id']."', '".$_POST['messaggio']." <br><br><b>Messaggio inviato da ".$name.".</b>'); ");
$msg = "Messaggio inviato!<br>";
$badges = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '".$utente['id']."' AND badge_slot > '0' ORDER BY badge_slot");

<div class="container_24">
<div class="grid_15">
<div id="contentBox" style="background:url(images/home/me-bg.png) center center;height:140px;padding:0;">
<div class="overlay">

<div class="badges">
<?php while($badge = mysql_fetch_assoc($badges)){ ?>
<div class="badge"><div class="badge-img" style="background-image: url('r63/c_images/album1584/<?php echo $badge['badge_id']; ?>.gif')"></div></div>
<?php } ?>

<div style="background:url(
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
<?php echo $utente['look']; ?>&direction=2&head_direction=3&action=wav&size=l&gesture=sml) -11px 0;" class="profile-header__avatar__image"></div>

<div class="profile-header__avatar__position">
<span style="font-size:25px;">Bentornato <?php echo $utente['username']; ?>!</span>
<div class="motto"><b>Motto:</b> <?php echo $utente['motto']; ?></div>
<div class="lastLogin"><b>Ultimo accesso:</b> <?php echo $utente['lastvisit']; ?></div>
<div class="creditsAvailable">
<div class="credits">
<div class="creditsIcon"></div>
<?php echo $utente['credits']; ?>
<div class="pixel">
<div class="pixelIcon"></div>
<?php echo $utente['activity_points']; ?>
<div class="point">
<div class="pointIcon"></div>
<?php echo $utente['vip_points']; ?>
<?php if($utente['username'] == $name){ ?>
<a href="client" target="_blank" class="button raised green" id="profileCheckIn">
<div class="center" fit>Entra in Hotel!</div>
<paper-ripple fit></paper-ripple>
<?php }else{ if($utente['online'] == 1){ $status = "Online";}else{ $status = "Offline";} ?>
<a class="button raised red" id="profileCheckIn">
<div class="center" fit><?php echo $status; ?></div>
<paper-ripple fit></paper-ripple>
<?php } ?>

<?php include('web/news.php'); ?>

<div class="grid_9">
<div id="contentBox" class="activity">
<div class="head">
<?php if($utente['username'] == $name){ ?>
<style>.activity{max-height: 330px;overflow: auto;}</style>
I tuoi messaggi
<span class="date">Notifiche e attivit&agrave</span>
<div class="text">
<?php if(mysql_num_rows($richieste) > 0){ ?>
<div class="notifica"><p align="left">Hai <b><?php echo mysql_num_rows($richieste); ?></b> richieste di amicizia in sospeso.</p></div>
<?php }while($not = mysql_fetch_assoc($notifiche)){ ?>
<div class="notifica"><?php if($not['to_all'] == 0){ ?><a href="?user=<?php echo $utente['username']; ?>&delete_notification=<?php echo $not['id']; ?>"><i class="icon fa fa-delete" title="Elimina notifica"></i></a><?php }else{ ?>

<img src="images/home/stafficon.png" align="right"><b>Messaggio dallo staff</b><?php } ?>
<p align="left"><?php echo decode(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($not['desc']))); ?></p></div>
<?php }if(mysql_num_rows($notifiche) == 0 && mysql_num_rows($richieste) == 0){ echo "Nessuna notifica da mostrare."; } }else{ ?>

<style>.activity{padding-bottom:40px !important}</style>
Lascia un messaggio a <?php echo $utente['username']; ?><br>
<span class="date">Scrivi qua sotto</span>
<div class="text">
<font color="green"><?php echo $msg; ?></font><font color="red"><?php echo $error; ?></font>
<form method="post"><textarea name="messaggio" class="textarea" placeholder="Scrivi un messaggio da lasciare a questo utente"></textarea><br><br><input type="submit" class="submit" style="float:right" value="Invia"></form>
<?php } ?></div></div>
<?php include('web/footer.php'); ?>
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