
Utente Medio
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4 Maggio 2010
Miglior risposta
Ragazzi ho ftt il mio 3zo retro...questa vlta beta...ho ftt tutto....solo k mi servono i dcr....mi postate dei dcr v48 k funzionano??
niente...arriva ad una schermata dove c'è scritto shocvawe e si blokka li...qnd fa così non sn i dcr?? vi prego aiutatemi...
devi mettere i punti interrogativi(?) alla fine.Comq delpiero non li hai copiati bene i dcr inftt se vado ai siti stanno anche la i puntini(...)
tu hai una retro v48 delpiero?se si addami su msn
comq forza juve :P
mi date i dcr giusti?? nn li sapevo che nei beta si doveva copirare client.php e nn mettere i dcr....è vero?
|| # HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
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//$screen = $myrow['screen'];
//$language = $myrow['language'];
//$rea = $myrow['rea'];

//if($rea == "disabled"){
// include('./includes/sso.php');

$ssocheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '".$rawname."' and password = '".$rawpass."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$ssocheck2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($ssocheck);
if($ssocheck2['ticket_sso'] == "") {
if(isset($_GET['roomId']) && $_GET['forwardId'] == "2"){
if(isset($_GET['wide'])) {
} else {
} elseif(isset($_GET['wide'])) {
} else {

if(HoloText(getContent('client-widescreen'), true) == "1"){
$wide_enabled = true;
} else {
$wide_enabled = false;

if($_GET['wide'] == "false"){
$wide_enabled = false;
} else {
$wide_enabled = true;

if($wide_enabled == false){
$width = "720";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "false";
} else {
$width = "960";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "true";

} else {
header("Location: clientutils.php?key=LogInPlease");


if($online !== "online" && $enable_status_image == "1"){
echo "<font color='white'><center><b>".$sitename." is offline</b></center></font>";

if($remote_ip == "" || $remote_ip == "localhost" && $server_on_localhost == 1){
$ip = "";

if(isset($_GET['roomId']) && $_GET['forwardId'] == "2"){
$roomId = $_GET['roomId'];
$checkSQL = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM rooms WHERE id = '".$roomId."' LIMIT 1");
$roomExists = mysql_num_rows($checkSQL);
if($roomExists > 0){
$forward = "1";
echo "<!-- Forwarding to room ".$roomId." -->";
} else {
$forward = "0";
echo "<!-- Room doesn't exist; not forwarding -->";
} else {
echo "<!-- No room forward requested, normal loader -->";
$forward = "0";

<div id="clientembed-container">
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT loader FROM cms_system");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
if($row['loader'] == 1) { ?>
<div id="clientembed-loader" style="display:none"><div><center><b>Benvenuti in <?php echo $shortname; ?>...</center></b></div></div><?php } ?>
<div id="clientembed">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
try {
var _shockwaveDetectionSuccessful = true;
_shockwaveDetectionSuccessful = ShockwaveInstallation.swDetectionCheck();
if (!_shockwaveDetectionSuccessful) {
if (_shockwaveDetectionSuccessful) {
} catch(e) {
try {
} catch(e2) {}

HabboClientUtils.extWrite("<object classid=\"clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" id=\"<?php echo $shortname; ?>\" width=\"<?php echo $width; ?>\" height=\"<?php echo $height; ?>\"\>\n<param name=\"src\" value=\"<?php echo $dcr; ?>\"\>\n<param name=\"swRemote\" value=\"swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'false\' swPausePlay=\'false\' swFastForward=\'false\' swTitle=\'<?php echo $sitename; ?>\' swContextMenu=\'true\' \"\>\n<param name=\"swStretchStyle\" value=\"stage\"\>\n<param name=\"swText\" value=\"\"\>\n<param name=\"bgColor\" value=\"#000000\"\>\n <param name=\"sw6\" value=\"client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw8\" value=\"use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw2\" value=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw4\" value=\"site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw3\" value=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;connection.mus.port=<?php echo $fip; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw1\" value=\"client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cross.domain=0\"\>\n <param name=\"sw7\" value=\"external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>\"\>\n <?php if($forward == "1") { ?><param name=\"sw9\" value=\"forward.type=<?php echo $_GET['forwardId']; ?>;<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.url=\"\>\n<?php } ?> <param name=\"sw5\" value=\"client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error\"\>\n<embed src=\"<?php echo $dcr; ?>\" bgColor=\"#000000\" width=\"<?php echo $width; ?>\" height=\"<?php echo $height; ?>\" swRemote=\"swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'false\' swPausePlay=\'false\' swFastForward=\'false\' swTitle=\'Habbo Hotel\' swContextMenu=\'true\'\" swStretchStyle=\"stage\" swText=\"\" type=\"application/x-director\" pluginspage=\"\" \n sw6=\"client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>\" \n sw8=\"use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>\" \n sw2=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>\" \n sw4=\"site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>\" \n sw3=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;connection.mus.port=<?php echo $fip; ?>\" \n sw1=\"client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cross.domain=0\" \n sw7=\"external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>\" \n <?php if($forward == 1) { ?>sw9=\"forward.type=<?php echo $_GET['forwardId']; ?>;<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.url=\"<?php } ?>\n sw5=\"client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error\" \></embed\>\n<noembed\>client.pluginerror.message</noembed\>\n</object\>");
<object classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="<?php echo $shortname; ?>" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="<?php echo $height; ?>">
<param name="src" value="<?php echo $dcr; ?>">
<param name="swRemote" value="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='<?php echo $sitename; ?>' swContextMenu='true' ">
<param name="swStretchStyle" value="stage">
<param name="swText" value="">
<param name="bgColor" value="#000000">
<?php if($forward == "1"){ ?>
<param name="sw9" value="forward.type=<?php echo $_GET['forwardId']; ?>;<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.url=">
<?php } ?>
<param name="sw6" value="client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>">
<param name="sw8" value="use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>">
<param name="sw2" value="<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>">
<param name="sw4" value="site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>">
<param name="sw3" value="<?php echo $ip; ?>;connection.mus.port=<?php echo $fport; ?>">
<param name="sw1" value="client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cross.domain=0">
<param name="sw7" value="external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>">
<param name="sw5" value="client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error">
<!--[if IE]>client.pluginerror.message<![endif]-->
<embed src="<?php echo $dcr; ?>" bgColor="#000000" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="<?php echo $height; ?>" swRemote="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='<?php echo $sitename; ?>' swContextMenu='true'" swStretchStyle="stage" swText="" type="application/x-director" pluginspage=""
sw6="client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>"
sw8="use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>"
sw2="<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>"
sw4="site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>"
sw3="<?php echo $ip; ?>;connection.mus.port=<?php echo $fip; ?>"
sw7="external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>"
<?php if($forward == 1) { ?>
sw9="forward.type=<?php echo $_GET['forwardId']; ?>;<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.url="
<?php } ?>
sw5="client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error" ></embed>

<?php if($row['loader'] == 1) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
HabboClientUtils.showLoader(["Benvenuti in <?php echo $shortname; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "Benvenuti in <?php echo $shortname; ?>.&nbsp;&nbsp;", "Benvenuti in <?php echo $shortname; ?>..&nbsp;", "Benvenuti in <?php echo $shortname; ?>..."]);
</script><?php } ?>
<?php echo $analytics; ?>

questo e il client copialo in file di testo e salvalo con nome client.php e copialo in htdocs
non funge...mi dice : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\client.php online 28
non fungono
--------------- AGGIUNTA AL POST ---------------
qualcuno ke ha l'hotel v48 mi adda pls?
Ultima modifica:
non devi cambiare I DCR ma tutto il client Alla Fine Il File Client.php Quindi Al Posti Di
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
esempio xD Metti
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
...... Cpt?? Sul File Client.php....Inoltre Verifica se questi link funzionano altrimenti Usa quelli della r51 presenti ora su habbo entra con explorer e sul client premi f12 trovi tutto quello che vuoi xD:wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd::wosd:
scusate qualcuno mi puo hostare un client funzante non ho capito
con i dcr gia cambiati magari quello ke usate voi
allora nn ho cpt nnt..nell'housekepping k devo mettere dv si dovrebbero mettere i dcr?
Gentilmente,coloro che non sono autori del topic vadino a chiedere assistenza in un loro topic -.- comunque va solo cambiato il client non necessariamente i dcr.
Ci sono alcuni client r46 con i DCR incorporati nel file .php

Quindi ti conviene solo cambiare un pò il client :emoji_slight_smile:
lello26 scusa ma non capisco xke non posso kiedere assistenza qua
eppure abbiamo lo stesso problema!
quando aprimamo troppi topic poi dite di usare il tasto cerca!
ma lo vedete quanto siete bimbi?
e dove lo trovo il client k funziona?? qll k c'è sopra nn lo date uno testato e ke funge??
lello26 scusa ma non capisco xke non posso kiedere assistenza qua
eppure abbiamo lo stesso problema!
quando aprimamo troppi topic poi dite di usare il tasto cerca!
ma lo vedete quanto siete bimbi?

A mio parere post inutile..per quanto riguarda in client aspetta che te lo cerco.
grazie nn ne esistono k posso fare?