Guida [Guida] Come installare Holograph con i hamachi! [guida]

ragazzi al 25 passaggio dove dice di insierire diverse cose in MYSQL e poi andare sul sito localhost a me dice questo quando vado sul sito

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'holodb' (11001) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\mysql.php on line 13

HoloCMS Configuration Error:
I was unable to connect to the provided MySQL server. Please review the error message above for details.

Ultima modifica:
ma in questo modo chi si collega da me deve avere hamachi?
Questa mi sa che è la copia identica senza foto di quella di valerio, solo che qui ha aggiunto come farlo con hamachi
Perche quando istallo Xampp mi dice XAMPP Win32 not found, unable to get istall path...perke????mi rispondete pls ho windows xp
ho un problema io metto tutto il tuo cms nella cartella htdocs ma facendo localhost mi appare questo

It appears you have already executed the installation script or written your configuration file. To start using your site, for security reasons, please delete install.php and/or upgrade.php from the HoloCMS directory to proceed. If you have not yet completed installation or wish to execute it again, please click here.

allora io premo e fa questo

Welcome to HoloCMS

Welcome to HoloCMS. Before you can start using your new website, we'll need to set up a few things. In order for the installation to be successfull, you will need to know all of the following things.

MySQL Database name
MySQL Username
MySQL Password
MySQL Host (if not on localhost)
In order for this installation to complete successfully, the installer script must have access to write to config.php. For assistance with giving write permissions or connecting to your MySQL database, please consult your host/ISP.

Please be aware that this installer will override (and thus empty) any existing (and required) CMS tables in your MySQL Database, and possibly modify Holograph Emulator tables where needed. Please read the compatability information below for optimal performance and integration.

HoloCMS Version: 2.1.1 STABLE [Filehoer]
HoloCMS Build Date: 26 Jun 2008 15:55:55 GMT+2 (Dutch time)
Holograph Emulator Compatability: Build for Revision 48 (Eucalypt, Holo C#)

New Installation Upgrade

clicco su new installation ma mi fa questo:Unable to select database. Please double-check the database name you have provided che fare