Problema risolto Installazione HoloCms

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1 Settembre 2008
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allora seguo questa giuda passo passo:
Però al punto 22 metto tt i i dati cm da guida ma mi da continuamente errore mi vieni fuori questo:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\mysql.php on line 13

HoloCMS Configuration Error:
I was unable to connect to the provided MySQL server. Please review the error message above for details.

vi prego aiutatemi cm dv fare?????
la pass lo kambiata se no cm potrei aver creato l'holodb
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bhe allora non l'avrai scritta bene qui...^^ cambiala...dove tichiede la psw devi mettere la psw dell root
nell'istallazzione di holocms la password nn me la fa mettere in asterski ma in lettere... a a proposito dopo ke o messo la pass bn e tt mi dice:

Successfully connected to MySQL database.

The configuration file has been written and the MySQL connection has been set up successfully. Press 'Start Installation' to start the automated installation process, or press 'Change Settings' to go back to the previous step.

This will rebuild any existing HoloCMS database tables and add new ones where needed, and thus also reset them. You will be given to oppertunity to create a admin user later on during the installation process.

però se faccio partire l'installazzione mi da errore
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