Info Nome del plugin per lo Shop...


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10 Ottobre 2011
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Salve, non riesco a trovare il plugin per lo shop, quello in cui c'è il cartello con scritto:

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Riferimento: Nome del plugin per lo Shop...

Il plugin che stai dicendo si chiama SignShop
Per il download:
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La config:
MaxSellDistance: 0
MaxShopsPerPerson: 0
TransactionLog: false
OPOverride: true
AllowVariableAmounts: false
AllowEnchantedRepair: true
DisableEssentialsSigns: true
AllowUnsafeEnchantments: false
EnableSignStacking: false
AllowMultiWorldShops: false
EnablePermits: false
PreventVillagerTrade: false
ProtectShopsInCreative: true
Buy: takePlayerMoney,takeShopItems,giveOwnerMoney,givePlayerItems
Sell: takeVariablePlayerItems,takeOwnerMoney,giveShopItems,givePlayerMoney
Donate: takeVariablePlayerItems,giveShopItems
DonateHand: takeItemInHand,giveShopItems
Slot: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,RandomItem,givePlayerItems{oneslot},takeShopItems
iSell: takeVariablePlayerItems,givePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iBuy: takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
gBuy: takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems,takeShopItems,playerIsOp
gSell: takeVariablePlayerItems,givePlayerMoney,giveShopItems,playerIsOp
Day: takePlayerMoney,setDayTime,playerIsOp
Night: takePlayerMoney,setNightTime,playerIsOp
Rain: takePlayerMoney,setRaining,playerIsOp
ClearSkies: takePlayerMoney,setClearSkies,playerIsOp
DeviceOn: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedstoneOn
DeviceOff: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedstoneOff
Toggle: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,toggleRedstone
Device: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedStoneOnTemp
Heal: takePlayerMoney,healPlayer,playerIsOp
Repair: takePlayerMoney,repairPlayerHeldItem,playerIsOp
Dispose: takeItemInHand
DeviceItem: takePlayerItems,giveShopItems,setRedStoneOnTemp
iSlot: takePlayerMoney,RandomItem,givePlayerItems{oneslot},playerIsOp
Enchant: enchantItemInHand,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iBuyXP: givePlayerXP,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iSellXP: takePlayerXP,givePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iTrade: Chest{1},takePlayerItems,Chest{2},givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
TpToOwner: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
Class: takePlayerInventory{clearArmor},takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems{ignorefull},playerIsOp
Disenchant: disenchantItemInHand,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
Command: takePlayerMoney, playerIsOp
Share: ShareSign
Restricted: RestrictedSign
Buy: You have put !items for sale at a price of !price!
Sell: You have put a bounty of !price for !items!
Donate: You have setup a donation box for !items!
DonateHand: You have setup a donation box for all item types
Slot: You have setup a !price slot machine offering !items!
iBuy: You have put !items infinitely for sale at a price of !price!
iSell: You have put an infinite bounty of !price for !items!
gBuy: You have setup a ghost shop selling !items for !price! (Note, you will not receive or lose money from this shop)
gSell: You have setup a ghost shop buying !items for !price! (Note, you will not receive or lose money from this shop)
Day: You have setup a time controller that costs !price!
Night: You have setup a time controller that costs !price!
Rain: You have setup a weather controller that costs !price!
ClearSkies: You have setup a weather controller that costs !price!
DeviceOn: You have setup a device activator that costs !price!
DeviceOff: You have setup a device deactivator that costs !price!
Toggle: You have setup a device toggler that costs !price!
Device: You have setup a device temporary activator that costs !price!
Heal: You have setup a healing station that costs !price!
Repair: You have setup a repair station that costs !price!
Dispose: You have setup a dispose sign
DeviceItem: You have setup a device temporary activator that costs !items!
iSlot: You have setup a !price slot machine offering infinite !items!
Enchant: You have setup an Enchanter that costs !price and enchants with !enchantments!
iSellXP: You have put a bounty of !price for !xp XP
iBuyXP: You have put !xp XP for sale at a price of !price!
iTrade: You have setup a trade shop that costs !chest1 for !chest2!
TpToOwner: You have setup a command example shop, selling teleports to !owner for !price!
Class: You have setup a shop to sell a class of items for !price!
Disenchant: You have setup a sign that removes enchantments for !price!
Command: You have created a sign that runs commands for !price!
Buy: Buy !items for !price?
Sell: Sell !items for !price?
Donate: Donate !items?
DonateHand: Donate !items?
Slot: Play this slot machine for !price?
Redstone: Activate this device for !price?
iBuy: Buy !items for !price?
iSell: Sell !items for !price?
gBuy: Buy !items for !price?
gSell: Sell !items for !price?
Day: Set the time to day for !price?
Night: Set the time to night for !price?
Rain: Set the weather to raining for !price?
ClearSkies: Set the weather to clear skies for !price?
DeviceOn: Activate this device for !price?
DeviceOff: Deactivate this device for !price?
Toggle: Toggle this device for !price?
Device: Temporarily activate this device for !price?
Heal: Heal yourself for !price?
Repair: Repair the item held in your hand for !price?
Dispose: Dispose of !items?
DeviceItem: Temporarily activate this device for !items?
iSlot: Play this infinitely stocked slot machine for !price?
Enchant: Enchant your item with !enchantments for !price?
iSellXP: Sell !xp XP for !price?
iBuyXP: Buy !xp XP for !price?
iTrade: Buy !chest2 with !chest1?
TpToOwner: Teleport to !owner for !price?
Class: Buy the class containing !items for !price?
Disenchant: Remove enchantments on the item in your hand for !price?
Command: Run the commands on this sign for !price?
Buy: You have bought !items for !price!
Sell: You have sold !items for !price!
Donate: You have donated !items!
DonateHand: You have donated !items!
Slot: You won !items!
Redstone: Device activated for !price!
iBuy: You have bought !items for !price!
iSell: You have sold !items for !price!
gBuy: You have bought !items for !price!
gSell: You have sold !items for !price!
Day: You set the time to day for !price!
Night: You set the time to night for !price!
Rain: You set the weather to raining for !price!
ClearSkies: You set the weather to clear skies for !price!
DeviceOn: You activated this device for !price!
DeviceOff: You deactivated this !price!
Toggle: You toggled this device for !price!
Device: You temporarily activated this device for !price!
Heal: You healed yourself for !price!
Repair: You repaired an item for !price!
Dispose: You have disposed of !items!
DeviceItem: You temporarily activated this device for !items!
iSlot: You won !items!
Enchant: Enchanted your item with !enchantments for !price!
iSellXP: Sold !xp XP for !price!
iBuyXP: Added !xp XP for !price!
iTrade: Traded !chest1 for !chest2!
TpToOwner: You teleported to !owner for !price!
Class: You bought the class containing !items for !price!
Disenchant: You removed the enchantments on the item in your hand for !price!
Command: You run the commands in the sign for !price!
Buy: \!customer bought !items for !price from you!
Sell: \!customer sold you !items for !price!
Donate: \!customer donated !items to you!
DonateHand: \!customer donated !items to you!
Slot: \!customer played a slot machine for !price and won !items!
Redstone: \!customer activated your redstone device for !price!
iBuy: ''
iSell: ''
gBuy: \!customer bought !items from your ghost store!
gSell: \!customer sold !items to your ghost store!
Day: \!customer set the time to day for !price!
Night: \!customer set the time to night for !price!
Rain: \!customer set the weather to raining for !price!
ClearSkies: \!customer set the weather to clear skies for !price!
DeviceOn: \!customer activated your device for !price!
DeviceOff: \!customer deactivated your device for !price!
Toggle: \!customer toggled your device for !price!
Device: \!customer temporarily activated your device for !price!
Heal: \!customer healed at your station for !price!
Repair: \!customer repaired an item at your station for !price!
Dispose: ''
DeviceItem: \!customer temporarily activated your device for !items!
iSlot: ''
Enchant: \!customer enchanted his item with !enchantments for !price!
iSellXP: ''
iBuyXP: ''
iTrade: ''
TpToOwner: \!customer teleported to you for !price!
Class: ''
Disenchant: ''
Command: ''
no_permission: You don't have permission to create this sign!
no_permission_use: You don't have permission to use this sign!
invalid_operation: The sign you clicked doesnt have a valid operation!
chest_empty: The shop is empty!
chest_missing: You need to link at least one chest for this shop type!
lever_missing: You need to link at least one lever for this shop type!
no_player_money: You don't have !price to pay!
no_shop_money: The shop doesn't have !price to pay you!
out_of_business: This shop appears to have gone out of business!
out_of_stock: This shop is out of stock!
overstocked: This shop is overstocked!
player_doesnt_have_items: You don't have the items! (!items)
no_item_in_hand: You need to be holding an item for the shop to be able to take it!
player_overstocked: Your inventory is too full!
sign_location_stored: Sign location stored!
made_day: '!player has made it day!'
made_night: '!player has made it night!'
made_rain: '!player has made it rain!'
made_clear_skies: '!player has cleared the skies!'
already_on: Device is already on
already_off: Device is already off
link_notallowed: You are not allowed to link this!
item_already_repair: That item is already fully repaired!
already_raining: It is already storming!
already_clear_skies: The skies are clear already!
already_full_health: Your health is already full!
saving: Saving shops...
saved: Shops saved!
shop_removed: Removed an invalid Shop! It should be in '!world' at (!x, !y, !z).
invalid_item_to_repair: That item cannot be repaired!
no_item_to_repair: You need to be holding the item you want to repair!
backup_fail: Failed to backup Storage!
too_far: The distance between the sign and chest is too big. Maximum is !max.
too_many_shops: You have reached the maximum amount of shops allowed. Maximum is !max.
enchanted_not_allowed: You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
enchantment_missing: At least one enchanted item is needed, please put one in the chest(s)!
item_not_enchantable: The item in your hand is not enchantable!
no_player_xp: You do not have enough XP to sell (!xp)!
no_item_to_disenchant: You need to be holding the item you want to disenchant!
nothing_to_disenchant: That item can not be disenchanted!
multiworld_not_allowed: MultiWorld shops are not allowed on this server!
no_permit_owner: The owner of this shop no longer has a permit!
need_permit: You need a permit to set up this shop!
villager_trading_disabled: Trading with Villagers is not enabled on this server!
not_allowed_to_link_sharesigns: You are not allowed to link Share signs to this shop!
no_shop_linked_to_sharesign: This Share sign has not been linked to any shops.
share_sign_splits_profit: This Share sign splits profits between !profits for the Shop(s) at !profitshops
registered_share_sign: Registered a Share sign, please click the Shop sign next.
unlinked_share_sign: Unlinked Share sign from Shop.
linked_share_sign: Succesfully linked Share sign to Shop.
not_allowed_to_link_restrictedsigns: You are not allowed to link Restricted signs to this shop!
no_shop_linked_to_restrictedsign: This Restricted sign has not been linked to any shops.
registered_restricted_sign: Registered a Restricted sign, please click the Shop sign next.
unlinked_restricted_sign: Unlinked Restricted sign from Shop.
linked_restricted_sign: Succesfully linked Restricted sign to Shop.
restricted_sign_restricts: This Restricted sign restricts use of the Shop(s) at !restrictedshops
towny_insufficient_funds: Insufficient funds in shop account!
towny_owner_not_mayor_or_assistant: The shop owner isn't a mayor or assistant of a town.
towny_owner_not_belong_to_town: The shop owner likely doesn't belong to a town.
towny_bank_withdrawls_not_allowed: The current Towny setup does not allow bank withdrawls!
restricted_from_using: You are restricted from using this shop!
restricted_but_owner: You are not restricted to use this shop as you are the owner.
- tp !player !owner
- \!line2 !line3
iBuy: 0.7
iSell: 1.2
Repair: 0.5
DefaultEx: 5
MemberEx: 10