Info SOM: Addio Per Sempre


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31 Marzo 2008
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Oggi come molti di voi avranno notato SOM è stato chiuso
andando nella pagine principale troveremo scritto questo

"SoM is now closed... again... for good... again...

Back around '08 when SoM was being hosted by a guy named Dentafrice/Caleb, the forums were plaintext'd (Which basically means that whenever you logged in, your password was harvested before it was encrypted by vBulletin). This of course, was Dentafrice/Caleb himself. It was a pretty dickish thing to do, and considering I helped contribute to TehUpload's popularity and he was all cool with me whilst he was doing it makes things worse. However, thats in the past and what's done is done.

Which brings me to the "owning" of the forum yesterday. Some "1337 mothafucka" named Ben (Ya'know, the guy who owned the Dlox forum which failed multiple times) got his hands on this plaintext log. Being the super cool kid he is, he attempted to login to all admins password. He struck lucky by logging into Dinnerbones account (He had the same password) and just generally fucked up the forums.

Which brings us to this page here today. I'm not really bothered for Habbo related stuff anymore, and seeing the community forums as dead as they were kinda leads me to believe its the end for We've had an awesome run, and i'd like to think I did a good job at creating such an awesome community and contributing towards the Scripting community. As well as the fellow members, of course.

The whole Blunk, (V5 emulator) will still be maintainted and developed by myself and Nillus. You can visit it here if you wish:
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
. The Encryption was fairly close to being cracked, yet so far. Habbo's new technique for distributing their P and G variables required for the Diffie-Hellman implementation within the Flash client is tedious and genious. Basically, the Habbo flash client makes a request for an image known as banner.png. I noticed this when packetlogging the BETA client, and then realised the "?token" parameter was identical to how sec.cct worked. So what does Habbo do now? They store the P and G variables inside PNG image. Me and Dinnerbone did some research on the whole thing, although Dinnerbone did most of the Bitmap research. This of course couldn't have been possible without the help from Joeh and a few others also.

Possiamo quindi dire (probabilmente) addio al nostro sogno di avere l'Encryption
PS: Il Retroserver di som rimarrà aperto,

Infine mike (office.boy)
firma il tutto così
- Mike [Office.Boy] (Probably the last time i'll ever use that alias. Ever.)

Mike [office.boy] (probabilmente l'ultima volta che mi firmo con questo nome)

ah l'ho già notato ...
cmq un tipo ha scritto il contatto msn di mike , provo ad addarlo
(venite su suelake)
Se ne va un altra chicca riguardante lo script...
Direi che siamo sul lastrico.
Ho aggiunto mike su messsanger, speriamo che passi comunque l'encryption..
La nuova Encryption e' semplicemente geniale , solo due pazzi come Mike e Nillus possono riuscire a decriptarla e sono a buon punto , comunque , probabilmente tornera' il forum , e' sempre stato cosi lol
Pure io alla fine penso che ritorni SOM, hanno sempre fatto così prima chiudiono e poi riaprono
Il forum ritornerà....E' stato "ownato" da un nabbo ke è entrato con l'account di un Amministratore...Comunque ci hanno lasciato un buon aiuto per l'encryption.....Semplicemente Habbo l'ha "inserita" nelle immagini, perchè non sapeva dove metterla visto che i file flash sono facilmente decompilabili.....