
  1. C

    Detected Ciccio22792 D3D 27/11/2010

    Download: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service File name: Ciccio22792 D3D.rar Submission date: 2010-11-27 13:39:21 (UTC) Current status: finished Result: 23 /43 (53.5%) Antivirus Version Last Update Result AhnLab-V3 2010.11.28.00 2010.11.27 - AntiVir...
  2. Matr23

    Detected ELExTrO D3D 25.11.2010 (added zombie OPK)

    SCANSIONE: VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner DOWNLOAD: KarraKa MultiUpload - www.warhax.com ELExTrO D3D.zip ... at ul.to - Free File Hosting, Free Image Hosting, Free Music Hosting, Free Video Hosting, ...
  3. C

    Detected Ciccio22792 D3D 24/11/2010

    Download: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Scansione: VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner Falsi positivi per l'injector
  4. PeppeXVI

    Detected Public D3D |UPDATE 19/11/10|

    Actualizado el : 19/11/10 Probado en: Windows XP: Funziona Windows Vista: No Provato... Windows 7: Funziona Download: SpyARG Public 19-11-10.rar VirusTotal: .dll: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...e3f-1290199969 .rar: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...c18-1290200026
  5. PeppeXVI

    Detected Crazy Warrock D3D {Chams, Weapon hack..} (20.11.2010) Updated

    Download : Crazy Warrock.rar ... at ul.to - Free File Hosting, Free Image Hosting, Free Music Hosting, Free Video Hosting, ... Scansione : http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...e79-1290252327
  6. SadicoReturn

    Detected LeFt Hacking D3D Public 17/11/2010

    Download: LeFT HacKing - QSilver.zip VirusTotal: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...31d-1290012636 Screen: http://i56.tinypic.com/15x1kco.png WIN7 Time Test: 15.37 Minutes. Good Game, Bye!
  7. PeppeXVI

    Detected GHB - D3D SemiVip 17/11/2010

    Name: [G][H][B] SemiVip More Functions! Screen: Scan: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...57d-1289990511 (False Positives) Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Alternative Download: GHB D3D [Semi-VIP] 17-11-10.rar
  8. PeppeXVI

    Detected [SPK]DirectX D3D Gmwarning(100% works) + More function 3/11/2010

    Screen: http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/6443/immaginedn.jpg Scansione: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...94f-1288812620 Download: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/250...rectX_HOOK.rar DirectX HOOK.rar
  9. Matr23

    Detected SiroSix's Public D3D H4CK V3.6

    virus total : http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...193-1288620222 Download Dll : SiroSix's Public D3D H4CK V3.6.zip injector : http://www.mediafire.com/?b0aok0kkyaz6a67 Screen: Fonte: ItalianHack
  10. PeppeXVI

    Release [SPK]DirectX D3D Gmwarning(100% works) + More function 3/11/2010

    Screen: Scansione: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...94f-1288812620 Download: DirectX HOOK.rar Fonte : DirectX - ItalianHack
  11. Metinista

    Release D3D

    Screen: Download: Questa volta la scansione non l'ho potuta fare se non vi fidate fatela voi e se trovate virus sono tutti falsi positivi come sempre...;)
  12. Metinista

    Release Anksel D3D

    Screen: Scansione: Download: Come sempre falsi positivi scaricate tranquilli e ricordatevi di disattivare antivirus ;)
  13. Metinista

    Release kaos D3D

    Screen: Scansione: VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner Download: Download Kaos Public WR v12.4.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way E come semrpe falsi positivi scaricate tranquilli e non vi dimenticate di disattivare antivirus ;)
  14. Metinista

    Release KarraKa D3D

    Screen: Scansione: VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner Download: KarraKa MultiUpload - www.warhax.com Come sempre falsi positivi scaricate tranquilli e disattivate antivirus.
  15. Metinista

    Release AnkselLabs D3D

    Screen: Scansione: Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanner - Services - NoVirusThanks.org Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
  16. Metinista

    Release D3D

    New Hack D3D Funge Su XP 32 Bit 7-Vista 64 Bit Screen: Scansione: VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner Download: CheatEvolution.rar sono falsi positivi scaricate tranquilli e disattivate antivirus.
  17. A

    Alex94 D3D 5.0 Return

    ecco un mio hack per warrock per ora lascio sta per qualche gg combat arms xd virustotal scaricami ora. domani nuova relase con nuove funzioni
  18. Africa

    XenofonteAkaAfrica D3D 24/10/2010

    Ciao, come promesso ad alcuni staffer che avrei pubblicato un mio cheat eccolo....:smile: Leggete xenofonte, ma vi assicuro che sono io. Nel lato oscuro del warrock coding uso quel nick. E' solamente un public non ho proprio voglia di risbattermi dietro a coddare per warrock come una volta...
  19. PeppeXVI

    Release NeroX D3D Public V.I.P

    Download : NeroX D3D Public V.I.P.rar Non so dirvi se funziona...Comunque Provatelo se volte.. Fonte : Web
  20. D

    Detected Warrock ~Nero-X~ D3D VIP [19/10/10]

    Instructions To Use Hack * Download all Files * Extract all files * Open Injector, If on Vista or Windows 7 Run as Administrator * Run WarRock * Press Insert to Show/Hide Menu! * If you don't see Menu open Injector when Hack Shield Loads...