Problema risolto Client holo

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Utente Medio
Autore del topic
11 Giugno 2008
Miglior risposta
Ciao raga quando apro il client mi esce errore!
Eccovi il mio client:
|| # HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!


if(getContent('client-widescreen') == "1"){
$wide_enabled = true;
} else {
$wide_enabled = false;

} else {
header("Location: clientutils.php?key=LogInPlease");

if(!isset($_GET['wide']) && $wide_enabled == true){
$width = "960";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "true";
} elseif($_GET['wide'] == "true"){
$width = "960";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "true";
} else {
$width = "720";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "false";


if($online !== "online" && $enable_status_image == "1"){
echo "<font color='white'><center><b>".$sitename." is offline</b></center></font>";

if($remote_ip == "" || $remote_ip == "localhost" && $server_on_localhost == 1){
$ip = "";

if(isset($_GET['roomId']) && $_GET['forwardId'] == "2"){
$roomId = $_GET['roomId'];
$checkSQL = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM rooms WHERE id = '".$roomId."' LIMIT 1");
$roomExists = mysql_num_rows($checkSQL);
if($roomExists > 0){
$forward = "1";
echo "<!-- Forwarding to room ".$roomId." -->";
} else {
$forward = "0";
echo "<!-- Room doesn't exist; not forwarding -->";
} else {
echo "<!-- No room forward requested, normal loader -->";
$forward = "0";


<div id="clientembed-container">
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT loader FROM cms_system");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
if($row['loader'] == 1) { ?>
<div id="clientembed-loader" style="display:none"><div><b>opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>...</b></div></div><?php } ?>
<div id="clientembed">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
HabboClientUtils.extWrite("<object classid=\"clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" id=\"habbo\" width=\"<?php echo $width; ?>\" height=\"<?php echo $height; ?>\"\>\n<param name=\"src\" value=\"<?php echo $dcr; ?>\"\>\n<param name=\"swRemote\" value=\"swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'false\' swPausePlay=\'false\' swFastForward=\'false\' swTitle=\'Habbo Hotel\' swContextMenu=\'true\' \"\>\n<param name=\"swStretchStyle\" value=\"stage\"\>\n<param name=\"swText\" value=\"\"\>\n<param name=\"bgColor\" value=\"#000000\"\>\n <param name=\"sw6\" value=\"client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw8\" value=\"use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw2\" value=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw4\" value=\"site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw3\" value=\";connection.mus.port=30001\"\>\n <param name=\"sw1\" value=\"client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cross.domain=0\"\>\n <param name=\"sw7\" value=\"external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw5\" value=\"client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error\"\>\n<embed src=\"<?php echo $dcr; ?>\" bgColor=\"#000000\" width=\"<?php echo $width; ?>\" height=\"<?php echo $height; ?>\" swRemote=\"swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'false\' swPausePlay=\'false\' swFastForward=\'false\' swTitle=\'Habbo Hotel\' swContextMenu=\'true\'\" swStretchStyle=\"stage\" swText=\"\" type=\"application/x-director\" pluginspage=\"\" \n sw6=\"client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>\" \n sw8=\"use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>\" \n sw2=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>\" \n sw4=\"site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>\" \n sw3=\";connection.mus.port=30001\" \n sw1=\"client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cross.domain=0\" \n sw7=\"external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>\" \n sw5=\"client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error\" \></embed\>\n<noembed\>client.pluginerror.message</noembed\>\n</object\>");
<object classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="habbo" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="<?php echo $height; ?>">
<param name="src" value="<?php echo $dcr; ?>">
<param name="swRemote" value="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true' ">
<param name="swStretchStyle" value="stage">
<param name="swText" value="">
<param name="bgColor" value="#000000">
<param name="sw6" value="client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>">
<param name="sw8" value="use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>">
<param name="sw2" value="<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>">
<param name="sw4" value="site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>">
<param name="sw3" value=";connection.mus.port=30001">
<param name="sw1" value="client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cross.domain=0">
<param name="sw7" value="external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>">
<?php if($forward == 1) { ?>
<param name="sw9" value="<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.enabled=1">
<?php } ?>
<param name="sw5" value="client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error">
<!--[if IE]>client.pluginerror.message<![endif]-->
<embed src="<?php echo $dcr; ?>" bgColor="#000000" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="<?php echo $height; ?>" swRemote="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true'" swStretchStyle="stage" swText="" type="application/x-director" pluginspage=""
sw6="client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.variables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>"
sw8="use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>"
sw2="<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>"
sw4="site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>"
sw7="external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>"
<?php if($forward == 1) { ?>
sw9"="<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.enabled=1"
<?php } ?>
sw5="client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error" ></embed>

<?php if($row['loader'] == 1) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
HabboClientUtils.showLoader(["opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>.&nbsp;&nbsp;", "opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>..&nbsp;", "opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>..."]);
</script><?php } ?>

Modifica i campi in rosso del clien:

/*================================================= ==+
|| # HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|+================================================ ===+
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

|+================================================ ===+
|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!
|+================================================ ===*/


if(getContent('client-widescreen') == "1"){
$wide_enabled = true;
} else {
$wide_enabled = false;

} else {
header("Location: clientutils.php?key=LogInPlease");

if(!isset($_GET['wide']) && $wide_enabled == true){
$width = "960";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "true";
} elseif($_GET['wide'] == "true"){
$width = "960";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "true";
} else {
$width = "720";
$height = "540";
$widemode = "false";


if($online !== "online" && $enable_status_image == "1"){
echo "<font color='white'><center><b>".$sitename." is offline</b></center></font>";

if($remote_ip == "Metti il tuo sito host no-ip o ip hamachi" || $remote_ip == "Metti il tuo sito host no-ip o ip hamachi" && $server_on_localhost == 1){
$ip = "Metti il tuo sito host no-ip o ip hamachi";

if(isset($_GET['roomId']) && $_GET['forwardId'] == "2"){
$roomId = $_GET['roomId'];
$checkSQL = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM rooms WHERE id = '".$roomId."' LIMIT 1");
$roomExists = mysql_num_rows($checkSQL);
if($roomExists > 0){
$forward = "1";
echo "<!-- Forwarding to room ".$roomId." -->";
} else {
$forward = "0";
echo "<!-- Room doesn't exist; not forwarding -->";
} else {
echo "<!-- No room forward requested, normal loader -->";
$forward = "0";


<div id="clientembed-container">
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT loader FROM cms_system");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
if($row['loader'] == 1) { ?>
<div id="clientembed-loader" style="display:none"><div><b>opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>...</b></div></div><?php } ?>
<div id="clientembed">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
HabboClientUtils.extWrite("<object classid=\"clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" id=\"habbo\" width=\"<?php echo $width; ?>\" height=\"<?php echo $height; ?>\"\>\n<param name=\"src\" value=\"<?php echo $dcr; ?>\"\>\n<param name=\"swRemote\" value=\"swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'false\' swPausePlay=\'false\' swFastForward=\'false\' swTitle=\'Habbo Hotel\' swContextMenu=\'true\' \"\>\n<param name=\"swStretchStyle\" value=\"stage\"\>\n<param name=\"swText\" value=\"\"\>\n<param name=\"bgColor\" value=\"#000000\"\>\n <param name=\"sw6\" value=\"client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.v ariables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw8\" value=\"use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw2\" value=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw4\" value=\"site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw3\" value=\"; connection.mus.port=30001\"\>\n <param name=\"sw1\" value=\"client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify. cross.domain=0\"\>\n <param name=\"sw7\" value=\"external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>\"\>\n <param name=\"sw5\" value=\"client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.u rl=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error\"\>\n<embed src=\"<?php echo $dcr; ?>\" bgColor=\"#000000\" width=\"<?php echo $width; ?>\" height=\"<?php echo $height; ?>\" swRemote=\"swSaveEnabled=\'true\' swVolume=\'true\' swRestart=\'false\' swPausePlay=\'false\' swFastForward=\'false\' swTitle=\'Habbo Hotel\' swContextMenu=\'true\'\" swStretchStyle=\"stage\" swText=\"\" type=\"application/x-director\" pluginspage=\"\" \n sw6=\"client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.v ariables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>\" \n sw8=\"use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>\" \n sw2=\"<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>\" \n sw4=\"site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>\" \n sw3=\";co nnection.mus.port=30001\" \n sw1=\"client.allow.cross.domain=1; oss.domain=0\" \n sw7=\"external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>\" \n sw5=\"client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.u rl=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error\" \></embed\>\n<noembed\>client.pluginerror.message</noembed\>\n</object\>");
<object classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="habbo" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="<?php echo $height; ?>">
<param name="src" value="<?php echo $dcr; ?>">
<param name="swRemote" value="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true' ">
<param name="swStretchStyle" value="stage">
<param name="swText" value="">
<param name="bgColor" value="#000000">
<param name="sw6" value="client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.v ariables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>">
<param name="sw8" value="use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>">
<param name="sw2" value="<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>">
<param name="sw4" value="site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>">
<param name="sw3" value=";c onnection.mus.port=30001">
<param name="sw1" value="client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.c ross.domain=0">
<param name="sw7" value="external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>">
<?php if($forward == 1) { ?>
<param name="sw9" value="<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.enabled=1">
<?php } ?>
<param name="sw5" value="client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.u rl=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error">
<!--[if IE]>client.pluginerror.message<![endif]-->
<embed src="<?php echo $dcr; ?>" bgColor="#000000" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="<?php echo $height; ?>" swRemote="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true'" swStretchStyle="stage" swText="" type="application/x-director" pluginspage=""
sw6="client.connection.failed.url=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=connection_failed;external.v ariables.txt=<?php echo $variables; ?>"
sw8="use.sso.ticket=1;sso.ticket=<?php echo $myticket; ?>"
sw2="<?php echo $ip; ?>;<?php echo $port; ?>"
sw4="site.url=<?php echo $path; ?>;url.prefix=<?php echo $path; ?>"
sw3=";con nection.mus.port=30001"
sw1="client.allow.cross.domain=1;client.notify.cro ss.domain=0"
sw7="external.texts.txt=<?php echo $texts; ?>;user_isp=<?php echo $remote_ip; ?>"
<?php if($forward == 1) { ?>
sw9"="<?php echo $roomId; ?>;processlog.enabled=1"
<?php } ?>
sw5="client.reload.url=<?php echo $path; ?>client.php?x=reauthenticate;client.fatal.error.u rl=<?php echo $path; ?>clientutils.php?key=error" ></embed>

<?php if($row['loader'] == 1) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
HabboClientUtils.showLoader(["opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>.&nbsp;&nbsp;", "opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>..&nbsp;", "opening <?php echo $shortname; ?>..."]);
</script><?php } ?>

Ah allora è problema di drc, cmq metti questi qui di sono i variable, txt e drc se usi holograph mettili nel pannello di amministrazione e loader configuration:

Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i codici!
Mike sarà un errore nel client perchè mi esce:Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\client.php on line 74
Posta uno stamp dell'errore.
L'error title è quando i dcr hanno dei problemi quindi sostituiscili
Ultima modifica:
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.