Problema [Help] Holograph Emulator


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26 Aprile 2008
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Raga ho provato a fare la holograph ma non me lo apre ho fatto tutto -.- alla fine aprendo il server in visual basic lo apro skiaccio f5 e nn esce niente :emoji_slight_frown: mi potete aiutare please :emoji_smiley: grz :emoji_smiley: :help
non funge ancora -.- ho seguito la guida di valerio e quando vado in
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mi dice
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'holodb' (11001) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\mysql.php on line 13

HoloCMS Configuration Error:
I was unable to connect to the provided MySQL server. Please review the error message above for details.

ke devo fa? comunque vi posto la cartella mysql.php quella dell' errore -.-

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| Copyright © 2008 Meth0d
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if (!defined("IN_HOLOCMS")) { header("Location: ../index.php"); exit; }

mysql_connect("$sqlhostname", "$sqlusername", "$sqlpassword")or die("<br><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>HoloCMS Configuration Error:</b><br>I was unable to connect to the provided MySQL server. Please review the error message above for details.</font>");
mysql_select_db("$sqldb")or die("<br><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>HoloCMS Configuration Error:</b><br>Unable to select the database you provided. Either I do not have premission to connect to that database, or the database doesn't exist.</font>");


ekkola xD aiutateme please :emoji_smiley:
Grazie 1000 problema risolto potete chiudere =)
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