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14 Giugno 2007
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quote: Materiale By Zakko Studios

Babbit Emulator 1.5.5
Zakko Studios
(last UPDATE: Sunday 26. August 2007 (8:54 AM)

In 1.5.5 Release:
TRAX!! 100%
Theme's 100%
Make Your OWN Custom Theme! 100%
Console 100%
Some Bugs Fixed 100%
User System 100%

Project Leader's:


Tom(coder&Project Leader)

Beta Tester's:

- UserLock System 100% 'ALL CREDIT's GO TO DEBBO!
- Start/stop server 100%
- Show IP 100%
- Show Port 100%
- Search Database 20%
- V12/13 Furni (100%)
- Modify room fixed (100%)
- Habbo Exchange (100%)
- Public Rooms (100%)
- Public Room bots (99%)
- Bots fully editable (100%)
- Delete Furni (100%)
- Crocodile Pets (100%)
- Swimming (?%)
- Diving (?%)
- Public room "Rooftop" works with both rooms (100%)
- Console & CFH working for all (100%)
- You walk th the door before you get out the room (100%)(Only if you click on the door)
- Colored furni displayed in color in the hand too (100%)
- Login/Register 'hangging' (100%)
- Really more speed (FreeSock System)
- HC System 100%
- HC Presents
- HC Clothes only for HC's
- HC Runs out
- Tradebugs
- Dancebug (NonHC's can dance too)
- Trophy Names fully displayed
- Full CFH Fix
- Roller limit
- Pet Limit
- Furni ID Limit fix (on other server furni over 32.000 are not working, on this Server the id can be MUCH more than 100 Million, i think theres no limit
- Doorbell fix
- Roompass fix
- Bobbafilter
- Badword checking on register
- Password min. 6 characters and a number
- Head-Moving when someone talks
- PostIt fix (you can append a postit if you doesnt have rights)
- Console Search
- Friendlist
- Ask friend
- Last online
- Console mission
- Register-Fix (female habbos are males on some servers after register)
- Change Password
- Change Email
- No Runtime Errors
- Full server Update (things like that: if you buy a present its sometimes not displayed on users hand)
- Commands ever working
- Bug-Figures where kicked automatically
- ":whosonline" command (order by ip)
- ":userdata habboname" command
- ":voucher code amount" command
- Locale system (you can translate the server in your language without the Source)
- Categorys for Staffs
- Badge scripting disabled
- Whisper
- MOD/Admin rank can enter any room
- fuse_see_flat_ids right addet for admins
- Staff catalogue
- Edit Badword-List
- Change Badword replacement
- :givebadge NAME BADGE
- :takebadge NAME BADGE
- :deleteroom ID
- 10 Room Categories
- Waving fixed
- You doesnt walk if you click on a solid furni
- Splashscreen
- If you/a admin deletes a room you can walk/pick up/move furni nevertheless in it (before the fix the room was frozen if you delete it)
- Restore rooms in Settings-Window
- New Dice System (All dices are working everytime, they with IDs highter than 40.000 too!)
- CFH Fix (The alert "Already picked up by...") is working again
- Whisper fix
- You cant trade Pets
- You cant trade Presents
- Admins can kick mods but mods not admins, mods can kick gold but gold not mods (...)
- Mods can only use :userdata (if its allowed for the rank) for users under their rank (not on admins) (...)
- :commands - shows all speech-commands in a alert
- :closeroom ID
- penroom ID
- Socket problem fully fixed (before that it sometimes>often disconnects if you tried to login, it was a generally error in flex source)
- Catalogue Spaces-Fix (Thx to Matt)
- Other fixes/updates
- Updates in Database\Settings Editor
- Updated Releasecheck, 'This version is elapsed' shouldnt come up anymore
- Addet Room-Categorie Roomlist to the "maxroomsinlist" - Limit
- Messages (100%)
- Staff console Messages from Server
- Fixes @ Console: If you delete a User his messages to you wehre deleted automatically
- VL64 Decoder fixed
- Working connectioncheck
- Register Message (console)
- Report console Message (uses cfh)
- Better connection checking (no d/c if youre afk)
- Always actual Friendlist (Positions of the Users, offline/guestroom/hotelview)
- It doesnt send a second CFH if a CFH is picked up, it updates the old one
- Public rooms addet
- Pathfinding modified for Public rooms
- @b Timer fixed
- Quicker speech command check
- Automatic Connection check
- Roomlist/Modify-Room-Screen fixed, Description always showed
- Transactions
- Public room Bots

In Next Release:
- Diving
- Many many More Theme's
- More Func's in The Custom Theme Maker
- better editor(maybe)
- maybe more...

1.5.5 Screens:


Megaupload :
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di fatti... cmq server penoso , errore se apri il database e non crea nemmeno 1 registro